WAVE – Workers in Aquaculture /Validation of Experience IRL/03/B/F/PP-153112
The WAVE project targeted the aquaculture industry throughout Europe - the workers and employers in SMEs, trade associations, colleges and training organisations, aimed to map the actual skills and knowledge needed for work in the sector. Using a bottom-up approach by interviewing 90 companies in 10 countries, the WAVE project aimed to produce a Master List of Skills, Competences and Knowledge for the sector which could be described in terms to Learning Outcomes to facilitate the accreditation process.
What was achieved
- Database allowing partner consultation and insertions
- Master List of 238 aquaculture skills and competences, translated into 10 languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Norwegian, Danish, Greek, Dutch, Czech)
- Guidelines for use of Master List languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Norwegian, Danish, Greek, Dutch, Czech)
- Dedicated glossary of specific educational terminology languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Norwegian, Danish, Greek, Dutch, Czech)
- Dedicated website www.waveproject.com
- Current (2013) use of WAVE Master List of Competences in Horizon 2020 Initiative ESCO
AQUATT, Ireland; Federation of European Aquaculture Producers (FEAP) Belgium; L’Institut National des Sciences et Techniques de la Mer (CNAM), France
FHL Havbruk, Norway; KEK Diastasi, Greece; Scottish Association Training Association (SATA), UK; Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), UK; AMC Ltd, Ireland