
2008-2013 Lindsay Laird Award

Lindsay Laird Award

The Prague (2012) winner Jiri Kristan along with Mr Nigel Balmforth (Wiley/Blackwell) and Marieke Reuver (AQUATT project officer).

In 2008, AquaTT and Aqualex Multimedia Consortium (AMC) Ltd established an award in honour of Dr. Lindsay Laird for the most innovative poster (in English) submitted by a student. 

The poster concerns research in any one of the following areas:

Environmental Impacts in aquaculture

New species

Hatcheries / early life history

Stock production

Fish diseases

New technologies


Publishers Wiley/Blackwell also gave their support to this initiative and every year have added to the value of the award by donating a selection of aquaculture publications chosen by the winner.

2008-2013 Winners

For winners after 2013 check here


Giulia Micallef

University of Aberdeen, Scotland

“Proteomic Investigation on the Effect of Prebiotic Dietary Supplements on the Skin Mucus of Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar”

2012 Winner

Jiri Kristan

University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic

"The alcalase enzyme treatment for elimination of egg stickiness in pikeperch Sandar lucioperca L."

2011 Winner

Carolina de Haro

University of Almeria, Spain

“Nutritive Adaptation in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) to Tenebrio mollitor Meal as Protein Source Diet: Effect in Fish Growth and Performance”

2010 Winner

Dalila Serpa

Instituto de Investigação das Pescas e do Mar (IPIMAR), Portugal

“Optimisation of stocking density and feed formulation in semi- intensive production systems: How it can minimise the environmental impacts of earth pond aquaculture”

2009 Winner

Gonçalo Santos

Wageningen University, the Netherlands

“Effects of Dissolved Carbon Dioxide on Energy Metabolism and Stress Response in European Seabass Dicentrarchus Labrax”

2008 Winner

Sabine Keuter

University of Hamburg, Germany

“Inhibitory effects of plastics and nitrate on nitrification in aquacultural biofilters”

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