Celebration of First Anniversary of the EU Pact for Skills
Today MATES is celebrating the one-year anniversary of the European Commission’s Pact for Skills.
The EU Pact for Skills is a vital new initiative bringing together a wide range of private and public stakeholders: government authorities, public institutions, employment services, education and training providers, researchers and academia, social partners, private companies, chambers of commerce and various cross-sectoral organisations from industry. Pact for Skills members have agreed to a Charter of key principles and are committed to launching concrete upskilling and reskilling actions. Having the right skills is essential for individuals’ success in a fast changing labour market. Already, after only one year, 450 organisations have pledged to reskill over 1.5 million people in Europe.
MATES is a prime contributor to the Pact for Skills, not only transferring results to the shipbuilding Pact for Skills consortium but also coordinating a consortium to promote the Pact for Skills in offshore renewable energies.
Read more on the Pact for Skills.
Check out our video clip for the #PactforSkills below!