EHEA Ministerial Conference online - 19 November 2020
Postponed from its original date of May 2020
EHEA Ministerial Conference online, hosted by Italy, 19 November 2020, postponed from its original date of May 2020.
The online webinar format allowed many more participants than normal, including AMC Director M.Eleftheriou.
The full Ministerial Communique can be downloaded here.
The delay meant that developments arising from the Covid 19 crisis took on greater significance. From the many recommendations, some stand out as especially important
Swift up-dating of knowledge, skills and competences will be required to respond to the challenges and develop the opportunities that the new decade will bring.
Higher education institutions will continue to diversify their learning offer and innovate in contents and modes of delivery in order to respond to growing needs for innovative and critical thinking, emotional intelligence, leadership, teamwork and problem solving abilities, as well as enterprising attitudes
Flexible and open learning paths, are important aspects of student-centred learning and are in increasing demand in our societies. In addition to full degree programmes, many higher education institutions offer or plan to offer smaller units of learning, which enable learners to develop or update their cultural, professional, and transversal skills and competences at various stages in their lives. We ask the BFUG to explore how and to what extent these smaller, flexible units, including those leading to micro-credentials, can be defined, developed, implemented and recognised by our institutions using EHEA tools.