
Conference on Enhancing European Cooperation in VET

Do not be turned away by the title!

This was a ground-breaking conference from start to finish – IF you are interested in the future of VET training, of course.

M.Eleftheriou was one of the online participants in the conference, which saw the rollout of the New European Skills Agenda, just one hour after EU Commission Head, Ursula von der Leyen, made the official announcement in Brussels.

And why it is so important? Because it will set up a new Pact for Skills, with 12 areas of great important in the changing VET scene.

Of the 12 skills, MATES partners had already been advised of the increasing importance and relevance of Apprenticeships initiatives. But MATES partners had already been informed of the potential accreditation values that could be given to short courses, under the name of microcredentials.

Examine the graphics for more detail.


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