
Foresight scenarios identifying future skills needs and trends (MATES)

This MATES report identifies and analyses emerging trends in the shipbuilding and offshore renewable energy sectors.

p> The report shows that it is key technologies that could have a disruptive impact on the maritime industry, as the industry is simply not prepared for them in terms of technical capabilities or in terms of technological service and research offer.

For the offshore renewable energy sector, the relevant new key technologies are: Automation and Advanced robotics; 3D Printing; Smart grid and Smart sensors; Big data; Energy storage

For shipbuilding: vessel automation, vessel autonomy and advanced robotics; exploitation of alternative fuels and renewable energy sources; digitalisation; 3D Printing; Green retrofitting; drones

The report discloses that all of the shipbuilding and offshore renewable energy key competences would be mainstream by 2030.

Of special interest to AMC, the report also identifies required skills and competences, the most effective training and educational methods, and the expected emerging occupations in both sectors.

This valuable report was developed through

  • i) an extended literature review of 392 documents and 153 projects;
  • ii) mobilisation of experts and stakeholders from the shipbuilding and offshore renewable energy sectors during a series of two workshops conducted at five European countries
  • iii) a Delphi survey involving 176 MATES groupn experts.


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