
Must see: Training videos released by MATES

The MATES Youtube channel

The MATES consortium has just released the final versions of the promotional videos for each of the 11 MATES Pilot Experiences. These training initiatives, targeted on the shipbuilding and offshore renewable energy sectors, have been running since 2020 across several European countries.  

From marine energy fundamentals, building a prototype of a rotor for a windmill, 3-D printing, Big Data, Ocean Literacy,  providing MOOCs for shipbuilding,  and  building a real-scale part of a ship’s hull and climbing a wind turbine, the initiatives have been proactive, giving students hands-on experience and direct contact with industry.

However, because of the ongoing Covid 19 crisis, some had to be carried out virtually. This unforeseen and therefore unplanned-for challenge did have a positive side to it.  It enabled innovative new educational resources, to be created and used. And more positive still, it enabled Learning Outcomes to take a key position in the Experiences.

 It’s not surprising that these MATES  trainings were well received by the trainees, as  shown in the interesting short videos. They can be seen on the MATES YouTube Channel

Here is a direct link to Freeboard (Building a real-scale part of a ship’s hull)


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