AQUATNET –Aquatic sciences thematic network
For 18 years, the ground-breaking activities of Aquat-net, an ERASMUS Thematic network for the aquatic sciences, with 120 partners from 25 countries (universities, research institutes, industry stakeholders) made important contributions to Bologna priorities: student and staff mobility; development of innovative M.Sc., Ph.D., HE/VET and LLL programmes with M.Sc. and Ph.D. online portals detailing all members' courses); hands-on workshops on new technologies (e-learning, ICT); identification of flexible Lifelong Learning pathways. Publications on M.Sc. and Ph.D. courses, the use of new tools and technologies in teaching, generic skills and student mobility needs in LinkedIn.
The network, based on years of solid results and achievements in the aquaculture sector, extended its scope to include fisheries & aquatic resources management.It had six themed Workpackages encapsulating the changes taking place in all three Bologna cycles: curriculum development and assessment (including competency-based and learning outcome approaches); proposed transparency measures (including Qualifications Frameworks) and quality assurance; measures to improve student mobility; innovation in teaching (elearning and ICT technologies and their role in joint degrees); and new methods of language training, promoting language diversity.
AQUATNET - Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Resource Management TN (142245-LLP-1-2008-1-BE-ERASMUS-ENW)
The 2nd AQUATNET built on the achievements of the previous network in its aim to help the Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Resource education sector in Europe to implement the Bologna reforms and establishing the European Higher Education Area. Key issues concerned the reinforcement of links between higher education teaching and research and its application in industry and enterprise, and the establishment of learning regions centred on universities as a driving force for regional development. AMC Ltd was responsible for Multilingual issues in international cooperation and language learning.
AQUATNET- Promoting innovation and a European dimension through Lifelong learning in the field of Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management (518700-LLP-1-2011-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW)
Resulting from its previous successfuldevelopment work, AQUATNET 3 has chosen areas where significant innovative contributions were made in each of the three Bologna cycle levels as well as a range of innovative IT methodology, a strategy which is well suited to further both the Bologna reforms and the flagship educational initiatives of EU 2020. Lifelong learning flexible learning pathways between different education and training sectors are a main pillar of the Agenda for New Skills Initiative and this important Workpackage is led by AMC Ltd, with 3 subgroups: i) Lifelong Learning pathways; ii) Curriculum frameworks and transparency; and last but not least iii) Tools & Methods; Exploring the cutting edge of teaching and learning technologies and approaches.
Workpackage 5 meeting in Frankfurt (2013)
Aquat-net meeting in Kuopio, Finland
Aquat-net meeting in Milan, Italy
If you would like to know more about this project, visit the official AQUA-TNET website www.aquatnet.com