


VALLA (Validation of all Lifelong Learning in Aquaculture)

Using the aquaculture sector as a pilot, the VALLA project aimed to demonstrate how to validate and recognize short-term sectoral training (including non-formal learning).

VALLA’s core objectives

  • to help build transparency and trust in the emergent EQF, by providing an occupational map for the sector using a competence-based approach
  • to examine how the resulting competence-based learning can be evaluated and validated
  • to show how short-term training can be awarded credits.
  • to test and disseminate via existing networks of VALLA's generic tools, methodology and protocols, to enable rapid progress towards the establishment of EQF sectoral frameworks.


  • Providers of training and education, job market entrants and employees. VALLA tools are designed to allow trainers to describe their courses in terms of competence-based learning outcomes
  • Experienced workers with more skills and competences than any degree could provide can demonstrate their true worth in the job market
  • Young graduates can now add unaccredited work experience/short courses to their CVs

What was achieved

  • VALLA methodology on how to map a sector by competencies able to be used by trainers in any sector;
  • VALLA dedicated software tool able to define course/workshop/placement training in competencies/learning outcomes;
  • VALLA tested protocol for evaluating and validating short-term training (in 10 EU languages);
  • VALLA website with free access to VALLA Tool (
  • Customised EQF glossary of knowledge, skills and competences in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Norwegian, Danish, Greek, Dutch, Czech

VALLA occupational map for the aquaculture sector: allowing employers and training providers to develop courses meeting specific needs

The VALLA Occupational Map defined the whole range of occupations and job roles within the European Aquaculture sector. It contains information on numbers employed, key drivers in the sector, industry trends, analysis of current and future skills needs, progression routes and national occupational standards. Results of the project was further analysed and developed by the EATIP Thematic Area "Knowledge Management". From an industry perspective the Federation of European Aquaculture Producers (FEAP) we will be promoting the occupational and functional map to members and suggesting that students and academics consider these valuable results. (Picture: David Bassett (FEAP) presenting at the VALLA final conference)


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