

ORION LEONARDO DA VINCI Project No (EL/01/BP LA 114443) (2001-2005)

ORION: Development of Virtual Learning Environment in environmental science, with online re-usable interactive modules in marine pollution and ecology, with self-learning packages in English, Greek, Portuguese and Swedish.


To create a Virtual Learning Environment to be powered by a suite of innovative teaching/ learning tools. The ORION network aimed to link its partners via a distributed network combining an open access approach for its basic language learning units in English, Greek, Portuguese, Swedish, and the ORION Resources, and a restricted site which contains the course materials used in actual and jointly run academic courses.

What was achieved

  • New course materials, designed as weekly online study units, complete with online assignments and online tutorial support (2-10 weeks): Marine Environment (English, Greek), Marine Pollution (Greek), Production of Artemia, Rotifers, Phytoplankton (English, Portuguese), Age Determination of Otoliths (English), Marine Biodiversity (English), Tropical Ecology (English)
  • Content Management Tool for design and open-ended delivery of course materials
  • Content Management Tool Manual for academic users
  • Dedicated multilingual website www.orioninfo.org
  • Online language learning units in English, Greek, Portuguese and Swedish with audio input
  • Creation of new marine pollution glossary (1400 terms) in English, Greek, Portuguese and Swedish
  • Resource repository with a) Aquaculture bibliography BIMAQUE (8600 items) and b) Fish, Shellfish and Crustacean Meristics in English, Norwegian and Greek
  • AQUALEX glossary in English, French, German, Greek, Spanish, Norwegian, Italian


Institute of Marine Biology of Crete; AQUALEX Multimedia Consortium Ltd Ireland; University of Stockholm Sweden; University of Algarve Portugal; University College Cork Ireland; National Centre for Marine Research, Athens, Greece; Federation of European Aquaculture Producers (FEAP);TEREUS SA, Athens,/IMPT, Crete, Greece.


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